Adopt Generative AI
without Downside Risks

Anomalytica’s Generative AI Security Platform enables enterprises embrace generative AI for
transformation and unparalleled productivity by protecting against threats in real time that
stem from its unchecked adoption.

The Compelling Case For Generative AI adoption

Generative AI is taking the world by storm, rapidly transforming key business functions such as the way we sell and engage with customers, to the way we manage supply chains and bring innovation to market. Doing things better, faster, cheaper, and with more precision are all irresistible profit-drivers for businesses. Generative AI tools like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot are revolutionizing how we solve problems, create opportunities, and unlock growth. These AI assistants are reshaping current norms and disrupting the status-quo. More than ever before, Enterprises today are under intense pressure to rapidly adopt Generative AI to be competitive or risk falling dramatically behind.

AI Threats Are Real and Different

The threats & risk posed by Generative AI and LLM technologies are real, rapidly evolving, and pose an interesting challenge considering breakneck speed at which technology is progressing i.e. How to unlock the positive transformative power of Gen AI without opening the pandora’s box of unintended negative consequences?

Rapid adoption of AI across the enterprise exposes a new and compounding set of vulnerabilities on a scale and pace that protection technologies of the past were not designed to manage effectively. As Generative AI continues to becomes accessible and adopted into both our work and personal lives, cyber attackers leverage it to craft more sophisticated and convincing threats, thereby easily bypassing existing investments in protection and security technologies.

Fight AI with AI

Anomalytica’s cutting-edge technology specifically targets AI-accelerated threats and risks, ensuring our customers remain protected in a world where AI is rapidly becoming omnipresent. Our AI-based solution platform is a new generation of technology that enables businesses to adopt Generative AI across their entire Enterprise, while identifying and managing not only the vulnerabilities and risks, but also identifying behaviors and activities that expose threats or business performance impediments. Rapid adoption of Generative AI poses a two-edged sword problem: How to gain the positive benefits of this revolutionary technology, without opening a Pandora’s Box of unintended negative consequences? Solve it with Anomalytica.

Guarding Against AI Threats

Embrace the future of technology with confidence, backed by the
ultimate defense against generative AI threats.

Embrace Generative AI
with Confidence.

Explore Anomalytica Generative AI Security Platform

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About Us

We're a team of tech entrepreneurs, cybersecurity experts, AI/LLM scientists and seasoned operators with a track record of building and scaling AI driven enterprise solutions in the field of Generative AI, Anomaly & Threat Detection, Identity, Fraud and Risk. In 2023 as we recognized the need for robust cybersecurity in the LLM landscape, we came together to establish Anomalytica. Our aim is to help enterprises safely adopt Generative AI and leverage it to transform their businesses, while protecting them from the downside risks and types of threats inherent in this compelling new technology.

We are based in San Francisco Bay Area.